Float Valves

Float Valves are used for several applications

Stock trough valves are used to maintain a specific level of water in the trough

Tank float valves are placed at various levels in water tanks so as to maintain a specific water level.

Float valves come in several configurations – vertical and horizontal

There are many brands available on the market – some of the most popular brands are

  1. Alderdice,
  2. Apex,
  3. Hansen,
  4. Jobe,
  5. Rain Aid,
  6. Stockmaster

We carry a large range – however if there is something you require and we haven’t listed it, please email us at [email protected]

Horizontal float valves are used to control level in a liquid supply such as a reservoir. The horizontal float is exactly that; a floating device in the reservoir attached horizontally to the pilot arm. The float detects the level in the liquid supply, and opens or closes the valve depending on the detected level.

Vertical float valves are used to control level in a liquid supply such as a reservoir. The vertical float is exactly that; a floating device in the reservoir attached vertically to the pilot arm. The float detects the level in the liquid supply, and opens or closes the valve depending on the detected level.

  • Alderdice Brass Float Valve

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  • Apex Float Valves

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  • Float Valve Spare Parts

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  • Float Valves-Raindrop Nylon

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  • Hansen Float Valves

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  • Hydraulic Tank Float valves

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  • Jobe Float Valves

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  • MBP Float valves

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  • Raindrop Ali / Bronze & Stainless Steel Float valves

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  • Raindrop Aluminum Bronze Float Valves

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  • Raindrop Glass Filled Nylon

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  • Taiwan Brass Float Valves

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