The complete, efficient, solar water pumping solution Delivering you more water!
PS2 is an integrated solar water pumping system for small to medium sized applications
PS2 provides a very efficient total solution to meet your solar water pumping needs.
Whether your need is to reduce operational costs, improve water security, or be more sustainable, PS2 provides the right solution.
The complete solution
Pumping water uses a signi cant amount of power. The sun provides us with an almost in nite energy source that, with the right planning and equipment, means we can pump water anywhere without the needs for power infrastructure.
PS2 is an advanced solar water pumping system. The system is designed speci cally to use the power of the sun to move water, so replacing the need for grid power or diesel.
As solar power is not consistent through the day then PS2 constantly changes the pump parameters to opti- mize the amount of water available.
Being designed as an off grid solar water pumping system, PS2 has all of the inputs and outputs needed in an integrated self-managing system.
PS2 systems are the most e cient available, delivering 30 % to over 1,000 % more water than the competitors’ products depending on weather conditions.
Benefits you can realize
No infrastructure to install
Using solar power means that you can install a pumping system almost anywhere, irrespective of power infrastruc- ture availability and the associated costs. PS2 is designed for the harshest off grid environments.
Low operational costs
Operational cost savings are achieved as the system re- quires no fossil fuels, can be fully remotely managed and is designed to have a long working life. The result is very low, or no operating costs.
Low cost of water
PS2 uses brushless and sensorless DC motors for maximum efficiency, this results in signi cantly more water be- ing pumped with the available power. This efficiency results in a lower unit cost of water pumped.
Lowest project risk
As PS2 is designed to be a complete system, it has all of the needed software and hardware for your water project. The result is that your projects are delivered on time, on budget and without technical risk.
What makes PS2 better for you ?
Designed for Solar Water Pumping
PS2 has been designed from the rst white board sketches to be a solar pumping system.
The system has been designed and built by an engineering team who only focus on solar water pumping. This expe- rience means they design, test and build systems where operation in the harshest, most remote environments is normal.
PS2 is designed to be eld serviceable, the pump unit components and electronics are modular to allow for cost e ective and fast replacement.
Having a great feature set is only part of being a good solar water pumping system, what really matters is how e cient the system is. E ciency de nes how much water it will pump. PS2 has class leading efficiency and optimized maximum power point tracking for best performance when conditions are not perfect. The system also has active power management to ensure that high ambient temperatures have minimal impact on water output.
PS2 makes the best use of the available power to deliver the most water possible.
Ultimate Efficiency
All PS2 systems use a unique DC brushless and sensorless motor named ECDRIVE.
This motor is a perfect match for solar applications as it has a very high e ciency across its whole operating range. This is very di erent to a small AC motor where maximum e ciency is only achieved in a narrow operating band.
Solar power is always changing through the day and depending on weather conditions. The LORENTZ ECDRIVE and PS2 have an average daily efficiency of above 90 %, most of our competitors achieve 65 % with clear blue skies and much less when there is cloud cover.
What this high e ciency means is that you get more water from the system from less installed PV modules. Less mod- ules means less cost, less racking, less installation time and labor. A high e ciency system means less total investment.
Efficiency simply means pumping more water, pum- ping for a longer period of time and pumping after the competitors have stopped.
The Complete Solution
PS2 is designed to be a complete solar water pumping system comprising of a specialized pump controller and carefully matched pumps.
PS2 has eight sensor inputs that allow analogue and digital sensors to be connected. This combination of sensors with the powerful inbuilt software applications allows for full pump control and water specific applications.
The system also has an inbuilt Sun Sensor which measures the available irradiation and then makes decisions of what to do based on the available power. The SunSensor also avoids unnecessary stop start cycles which increase pump wear.
PS2 is a complete solution “out of the box” without the need for building additional switching cabinets or PLC units.
Everything to deliver your projects successfully, on time and with minimal risk.
The PS2 is part of the LORENTZ CONNECTED software eco system.
The system is con gured on site using PumpScanner, an AndroidTM based App that the installer uses. Common con- guration is done with three clicks and there is full access to con gure system behavior based on additional sensor inputs.
The PS2 constantly records operational data and provides access to rich information for both customers and techni- cians.
The PS2 can also be connected to our pumpMANAGER managed service. This is a simple, cloud delivered, pay monthly service that takes away the complexity of remote monitoring and management. One low fee means that you can see exactly what the system is doing, make changes to settings and receive alerts irrespective of location.
Advanced, but simple monitoring and management of your system locally or remotely.