Vortex Part Fill Valve


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Vortex Part Fill is a high ow valve intended for use in rain water harvesting tanks. The purpose of the oat valve is to automatically maintain a low level of water in the tank during periods of no or low rainfall. This allows services fed by the tank to continue while leaving capacity in the tank for refilling by the next rain.


Maintaining Water Levels in:

ā€¢ Water Storage Tanks
ā€¢ Water Cisterns
ā€¢ Irrigation Applications


  • Ideal for use with all makes and models of rain water harvesting tanks
  • Compact
  • Constructed from nonĀ corroding materials
  • Valve can be locked in off position using the lock offĀ switch
  • Up to 150mm differentialĀ obtainable (dependant onĀ pressure)
  • Valve unscrews from tailĀ for easy Valve Access.

Principle of Operation

The Valve is installed through the side wall of a storage tank. It should be mounted above the over flow level of the tank to prevent back flow.

As the tank empties the weighted float travels down the cord and sits on the bottom stop to activate the valve.

The valve will run until the weighted float lifts clear of the bottom stop.

The oat will then rise as rainwater lls the tank and falls as the tank water is used.

The Valve will only function at times when rain fall is insufficient to maintain a water level in the tank above the bottom stop.


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